In our unstinting efforts to, um, enter the 21st Century, by providing high-quality content about Santa Barbara politics and news as conveniently and accessibly as possible to loyal subscribers and lurkers, Newsmakers now offers all of our TVSB shows in podcast form.
This means that all four of our recently produced programs about the Nov. 5 City Council election – the three-way brawl on the Eastside and the five-candidate race on the Mesa, plus one-on-one interviews with unopposed incumbents Oscar Gutierrez and Meagan Harmon – are available for listening when and where it works for you.
Hear Cruzito Cruz and Alejandra Gutierrez gang up on Jason Dominguez while you walk the dog! Catch the five-way battle over homelessness in District 2 while you fold the laundry! Listen to the soothing intonations of Oscar or Meagan with the volume turned low on the AirPods, drifting off as your insomnia is instantly but gently banished!
On our Sound Cloud stream, you can also catch up on episodes of Newsmakers TV panel shows, featuring SB's top journalists, including Nick Welsh, Josh Molina, Delaney Smith, Melinda Burns and others, with a rotating cast of local political leaders, lugubriously moderated by the snarky Mr. Cranky Pants.
It’s all on the Newsmakers Podcast Channel, which you can find right here, right now.
Image: ElTiempo.com.