Mega-kudos to the winners and mondo condolences to the losers in Tuesday's election which. at this rate, the city has at least a 50-50- chance to finish counting by the time the Super Bowl kicks off. Fortunately, the, um, leisurely pace of the count didn't matter, as the outcomes of the mayor's race - shout-out Alcaldesa Cathy! - the three district council campaigns - Yo, Kristen, Eric and Gregg! - or Measure C - passed easily - were in doubt,
At least after some anonymous Good Samaritan let City Hall know there was an election going on and they finally got around to releasing some numbers.
Josh, Brooke and Giana over at Noozhawk and Nick, Kelsey, Keith and Tyler over at the Indy have full reports on the evening's newsworthy goings-on. Your Newsmakers Santa Barbara Bureau Chief was honored and delighted to be on the set with Beth Farnsworth, Scott Hennessee and C,J. Ward throughout the evening at KEYT on TV Hill. We'll be back later today with our Election Nigh Winners and Losers review.
Image: C.J. Ward, Beth Farnsworth and Jerry Roberts in the KEYT newsroom on Election Night.