Tanned, rested and heady, the denizens of Newsmakers TV returned to the city desk on Thursday for our new (4th!) fall season, offering analysis and behind-the-scenes perspective on the latest news.
Kathryn Barnes of KCRW leads off with a report on the landmark environmental event that's challenging Donald Trump’s denial of climate science and being watched across the nation and around the globe – the Global Climate Action Summit. City Hall Maven Josh Molina takes it from macro to micro, explaining council's attempt to reduce pollution -- and the surge of national ridicule sent its way -- by dropping the threat of jail from its earnest effort to ban plastic straws.
The Indy's Nick Welsh next offers his take on what the long-awaited verdict in the Plains oil spill trial means for the company – and for the plaintiffs in that big class action still looming over the Texas-based outfit. Fellow Independenista Tyler Hayden bats clean up with a summation of his deep dive into the myriad problems underpinning the decline of State Street – and the city’s clown car effort to address it.
Amid shout-outs to Jerry Brown, Mayor Cathy, Chief Foil Jason, Nina Johnson and the Prime Minister of Barbados, it’s all here, right now, on Newsmakers TV.