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As Newsmakers Marks Third Anniversary, We're Upgrading Delivery for Our Valued Subscribers

Loyal and valued subscribers to the Newsmakers blog will notice something different in opening this post -- we've switched vendors to provide you with more convenient, reliable and robust email delivery service.

As we celebrated our 3rd anniversary last month (through harsh application of the "End Meeting for All" button, we've finally managed to shut down the last of the drunks among our vast global staff who attended the raucous Zoom office party), we realized our subscriber list had outgrown our existing system.

So starting today, everyone who has registered for a free subscription will receive the blog in your mailbox at 12:01 a.m., each time we publish a new post, in newsletter form. All our new content will be there for you to read in the email, without the need to click through to the blog.

The best way to ensure you never miss a post is to add our address to your contacts -- -- to make sure the newsletters don't get lost.

If you find Newsmakers informative and entertaining, we hope you'll recommend a subscription to friends and family -- takes seconds to sign up, and it's always free -- as the best way to follow our coverage of politics and media in Santa Barbara and beyond.

Of course, folks can continue to check us out by bookmarking our home page or by following our Facebook page. You can watch our videos via our "Newsmakers TV" page, all of which also appear on TV Santa Barbara, Channels 17 and 21, or listen to the podcast versions on Soundcloud, or on KCSB, 91.9 FM, on Mondays at 4 p.m.

Thanks for reading, watching and listening!

(P.S. Apologies to those who received the never-ending Fantasia/War and Peace/Marcel Proust version of the Newsmakers newsletter on Sunday featuring fourteen -- 14, count 'em, 14 - past posts. That was supposed to be a test email, but that's what happens when you allow a couple of septuagenarians loose around any technology invented after the light bulb).


Images: Technology masters Hap Freund and Jerry Roberts.

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