A new edition of Newsmakers TV focuses this week on a puzzling homicide in Montecito - plus politics and pot.
Nick Welsh reprises his scoop (and tells the tale of how he got it) in the mysterious killing of 96-year old Violet Evelyn Alberts in Montecito last spring, as new details emerge about a previously unreported case of identity theft by a now-jailed real estate flipper.
Josh Molina, breaking down the top local races in the November election, explains how Santa Barbara Democrats are trying to make use of a national political narrative, by tagging all the opponents of their candidates for school board seats as pro-Trump MAGA extremists.
And the genial host goes full Mr. Cranky Pants with a rant about the latest stench of scandal coming out of county government involving the - what else? - cannabis industry; one Dennis Bozanich, last seen on the public payroll "serving" as the county's pot czar and guiding creation of the warped and faulty weed ordinance, suddenly and conveniently returns as a lobbyist on behalf of a business operation trying to open up a controversial retail outlet in Carp under said ordinance. The sleaze never stops with these grifters.
Plus: the latest on the litigation in the Conception dive boat tragedy, an intriguing new report on local housing costs -- and why Mike Stoker refuses to appear at a campaign forum moderated by the Angry Poodle.
It's all here, right now on Newsmakers TV. Check out the new show via YouTube below or by clicking through this link. The podcast version is here.