The Newsmakers TV panel unfurls its crystal balls on Halloween Eve Eve for a close look at next Tuesday night's SB election results -- expressing high levels of confidence in the chances of two incumbent City Council members and a split decision in the mayor's race.
Jun Starkey of the Independent returns for this week's show, with an update on the big controversy over the SB school board signing off on elimination of the Student Resource Officer position at San Marcos High School, amid political pressure brought by student activists and sharp opposition from some concerned parents, and no less a figure than Sheriff Bill Brown.
Nick Welsh recaps his Unified Theory of Homelessness from this week's print edition of the Indy, arguing that despite all the public angst and unhappiness over the unhoused, things actually are looking up in the wake of present and future programs being implemented by local government.
Josh Molina argues that mayoral hopeful Deborah Schwartz, not Das Williams, looked the worst in this week's big political set-to over efforts by the country supervisor and other leaders of the local Democratic Party to pressure the veteran planning commissioner to drop out of the contest and endorse incumbent Cathy Murillo.
More: Another hotel -- not housing -- project gets greenlighted for downtown, the state AG's office looks into the tangled financial affairs of the Bellosguardo estate and the genial host takes the gang around the horn with their fearless forecasts for the city election.
This just in: The conventional wisdom is always wrong.
If it's Friday, it's Newsmakers TV - all here, right now. Check out this week's show via YouTube below, or by clicking through this link.