"Newsmakers TV: The Quarantine Season" is back with another week-that-was, focusing this time on efforts by Black Lives Matter and other anti-racism advocates to change and influence local government, including reductions in law enforcement spending.
Delaney Smith, Josh Molina and Nick Welsh join Jerry to talk about the policies, politics and personalities that surfaced in recent days amid the robust community conversation over the social protests led by Black Lives Matter.
From a special community session before the Board of Supervisors to this week's SB Council and School Board meetings, much of the discussion and debate centered on the practical implications of BLM's call to "Defund the Police" -- and the panel breaks down what this may mean for the Santa Barbara Police Officers Association, Sheriff Bill Brown and his deputies, as well as police officers assigned to campuses of SB Unfiied.
Oh yeah - the Community Development Department remains a mess, there's still a pandemic, too.
It's all here, right now, on Newsmakers TV. (And the podcast version is here).