Conscientious and studious voters still scratching their heads over bewildering questions about this season's even dozen ballot props (How does Prop. 15 change Prop. 13? Doesn't Prop. 20 conflict with Prop. 47? Didn't we already vote on Prop. 23?) may find greater understanding, if not enlightenment and clarity, in a series of webinars presented by CalMatters.
The widely-respected non-profit news organization with a singular focus on California state politics and policies, CalMatters begins its Q&A series at 6:30 tonight (Tuesday Oct. 6), for those not otherwise occupied watching the Lakers open a can of wuppass on the Heat.
Here's a link to their page where you can register for any or all of the one-hour events, and here's the full schedule, as reported by the outfit's Emily Hoeven in her essential daily newsletter this morning:
Upcoming events
TODAY: CalMatters’ Laurel Rosenhall helps host a “voter cram session” on the 12 propositions on California’s November ballot. Register here.
Oct. 6-14: CalMatters is hosting five “Props to You” events — virtual Q&As for you to ask all of your burning questions about the 12 propositions on California’s November ballot. Register here. Each event runs from 6-7 p.m.
TODAY: Changing Prop. 13. Register | Submit Your Questions
Oct. 7: How Tough On Crime Should We Be? Register | Submit Your Questions
Oct. 8: Race and Civil Rights. Register | Submit Your Questions
Oct. 13: Tech Battles. Register | Submit Your Questions
Oct. 14: Wait, Didn’t We Vote On These Already? Register | Submit Your Questions
Don't forget to vote.